Proposals are closed

Call for Sessions / Tutorials

As with previous workshops, OSW 2025 will once again feature a series of pre-submitted and reviewed sessions, along with an unconference (barcamp-style) component to encourage more informal discussions on the ongoing work within the various standardization groups.

For the pre-submitted sessions, we seek proposals for sessions (talks, interactive discussions, ...) and tutorials covering OAuth, OpenID, and related technologies. Contributions regarding technologies that are used in OAuth/OIDC or impact the security of OAuth, such as JOSE or web technology, are also welcome.

Areas of interest where OAuth can be used as enabler of innovative scenarios include:

  • Financial, e-government and health applications
  • Wallet technology
  • Mobile and Strong authentication
  • Federated and decentralized Identity
  • Privacy-enhancing technologies
  • IoT

We solicit sessions from a standardization, application, or research perspective that highlight challenges, new developments, and lessons-learned. As all presentations will be shared online without formal proceedings, we accept original contributions as well as already published or preliminary works.


You will be asked to choose a format for your proposal:

Talk/Discussion: Room for your talk, an interactive discussion, or anything in-between. 25 minutes by default, but a longer time slot can be assigned if needed. Please state your requirements in the notes section of the submission form. Target audience: architects, researchers, developers, security experts, and members of the standardization working groups.

Tutorials: Sessions intended to convey hands-on experience. Can be up to three hours. Target audience: developers and architects.

IPR Policy

The workshop will have no expectation of IPR disclosure or licensing related to its submissions. Authors are responsible for obtaining appropriate publication clearances.


We have two deadlines for OSW 2025:

  • November 24, 2024 (23:59:59 UTC)
  • January 12, 2025 (23:59:59 UTC)

Notifications about acceptance will be sent about 1-2 weeks after each deadline.

Program Committee

  • Giada Sciarretta (Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy)
  • Aaron Parecki (Okta, USA)
  • Petteri Ihalainen (National Cyber Security Centre, Finland)

This Call for Papers closed on 2025-01-12 23:59 (UTC).